Damhockey.se jobbar vidare med lagkaptensintervjuserien och har nu tagit klivet upp till SDHL för att få lite mer fördjupad koll på ligan och de olika lagens kaptener och turen har nu kommit till Brynäs IF och deras Finska lagkapten Rosa Lindstedt
Rosa kom till Brynäs IF inför säsongen 2020/2021 efter att ha spelat 4 säsonger för ligakonkurrenten HV71 i SDHL. Den pågående säsongen är hennes första som lagkapten men hon har tidigare varit assisterande lagkapten i HV71. Under sin tid i Brynäs IF har hon hunnit spela 56 matcher och har på dessa matcher levererat 15 poäng fördelat på 7 mål och 8 målgivande passningar samt varit utvisad i 62 minuter. Rosa är en tydlig ledare såväl på som utanför isen och visar alltid vägen för sitt lag med sitt hårda arbete och sin tydliga ”vinnarskalle”.
Vad hade laget för målsättning inför säsongen?
We have a really good team this year and it’s been clear from the beginning that we want to play in the sm-final and battle for the gold.
Snart har tre fjärdedelar av grundserien spelats, hur tycker du att laget har presterat såhärlångt?
I think we have played well. There has been some bad games too but we have been working hard every day and week to get our game and playing better. I think we have take steps as a individuals and that way our playing as a team has got better. Everyone has take the responsibility to improve yourself and that way we come better as a team. We have had some injuries in the team during the season and there have been some changes in the lines and so on but it’s been really nice to see that it doesn’t matter who you play with, we always go as a team and battle for each other.
Hur tycker du att din egen prestation varit såhärlångt?
Season started well and felt really good to play. But then I got injured 3 months ago, broke my ankle in the game. It was long rehab and now I just enjoy to be back. Now I have played 3 games after injury and I’m getting back to that shape where I was before injury. Now I’m just really happy to be back on the ice with the team and try to do my best everyday.
Hur skulle du beskriva dig som lagkapten samt vad är dina styrkor och svagheter?
I think I try to be a good role model and work hard everyday. Always compete and want to win, I want to spread that attitude to others too. I want to have a good communication with everyone and be able to talk about everything. I want to create atmosphere where everyone can feel that I can be myself and have a good self confidence, I believe that is the way you can do your best on the ice too. There is room for mistakes too, it’s part of the game, but you always need to do your best and fight every battle, giving up is not an option.
Hur skulle du beskriva och vad kännetecknar ditt lag, vilka är lagets styrkor och svagheter?
We have a team full of great persons and talent individuals. We take care of each other and push others everyday to be better. I think we have good compete level at the team. I think we have good balance in the team, we have lot of experience and also young players who has step in the team really well. Lot of skilled players who can play together as a team.
Sometimes we try to do it too hard way, then we end up trouble in the games. When we have so much skills and talent in the team, you always want to find that one more nice pass instead of taking the shot.
Hur upplever du SDHL som liga/serie? kan den på något vis förbättras/utvecklas?
I think sdhl is one of the best leagues in the women’s hockey at the moment. It’s professional league with lots of really good players. You need to prepare every game well and do your best to get a win. Compete level is high.
Obviously there is always things that you can improve but I think the league has take steps in the right way during last years. It’s great too see that teams/organizations has put effort on women’s hockey and we have good facilities to play. SDHL is doing good work to make league more professional.
Hur ser förberedelserna ut inför slutspel/kvalspel? har du/ni någon önskemotståndare?
It’s pretty quick after the Olympic break when the playoffs starts, there will be some games left before playoffs and we need to use those well. We have players going to Olympics and those who will stay home will be training hard and make sure that we are in good situation when we come back from the break. It will be little different preparation because of the long break but I’m not worried. We have showed during this season that we are tight team and we can play really well together as a team.
I think it doesn’t matter who we will meet in the playoffs. We take game by game, always focus on one game at the time. Playoffs are only about winning and we will do everything to play our best games at end of the season.
Damhockey.se vill rikta ett stort tack till och önska Rosa och hennes Brynäs IF
stort lycka till med resterande del av säsongen och i jakten på SM-Guldet!